
Tuesday 10 September 2019

The Burdens God Didn’t Ask You to Carry

"Woman carries bundle on her back in Nepal" by World Bank Photo Collection is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

1. Constant self-doubt:The unexamined life is not worth living.’ It is good to pause and take stock of one’s life regularly, holding it up to the light of God, and making changes when necessary. But living in a constant state of unsureness, second guessing every decision, wondering if there’s another life you should be living, comparing your life to others’, this is the devil’s tactic to prevent you from ever fully living the life you have been given. This is it. This life right now, these people, the tasks of this day. Throw away the self-doubt and embrace this life.

2. Unforgiveness: I asked people on Facebook, “What’s one thing you believe strongly but find difficult to live out yourself?” Surprisingly, many answered ‘Forgiveness’. In some way, holding on to anger and resentment can feel like justice. Being asked to forgive may feel like being asked to deny the guilt of the other person, or the seriousness of their offence. But forgiveness is not saying that.

Forgiveness is the freedom for YOU to move on. Unforgiveness and resentment is a burden that will not only slow you down but eventually consume you. You can draw boundaries so the other person doesn’t have room to hurt you again, but you can rid yourself of the bitterness by praying for them and surrendering them to the mercy and justice of God every time you think of them.

3. Other people’s bad decisions: Do you REALLY love someone if you don’t stay awake worrying about their life, decisions and weaknesses? Hi, that’s not real love. It’s normal to be concerned, but then discern if you are being asked to do something about it. Talk to them, listen to them, give some judicious advice and then realise they have been given freedom and the responsibility to make their own choices. You are not their saviour or fixer. Pray fervently for them, offer up your sufferings or sacrifices for them, and entrust them to God.
4. The fate of the country/ Church/ world: Now I’m not saying you don’t have your role to play. I’m not advocating apathy or despair or blame-shifting. But your role and responsibility encompasses only the things that are actually under your control. Often it means being faithful in little things, being the change you want to see, and praying a LOT. But that’s it.

The Holy Spirit may prompt you to start something new, do something different, but guess what He’s NOT asking you to do? He’s not asking you to do everything, change everything, and then stress out because you suddenly realise you CAN’T do everything and change everything.

5. Having your life together all the time: Everybody has bad days. You are not the only one who wasted hours binge-watching Netflix, eating junk food, staying up too late and procrastinating on your very urgent tasks after a bad mood/PMS/family fight/uncovered old wound/loneliness. Pick yourself up and start again.

You’re not the only one who has acted bad-tempered or irritable all day, or found yourself in the middle of a gossip session before you knew it, or started crying for no good reason, or been a far less than cheerful giver, or made a less than tactful comment. Apologize, and move on.

If your life is NEVER in order, then it may be good to talk to someone, go to a counselor, or get a spiritual director, and make some major lifestyle changes. But once in a while is not the end of the world.

Okay, so which of these burdens are you carrying? Hand them over and start a new day with freedom and a lighter step. God’s strong shoulders are willing and able to carry them, but it’s your job to let them go.

Related Reading

The Antidotes to Anxiety


  1. Excellent, excellent, excellent! Thank you for this one, Susanna!

  2. Excellent.I just got to know you through your article in the examiner.
