
Tuesday 27 January 2015

Catholic Camps (Over)Simplified

So this post is probably going to be completely irrelevant to anyone who isn't Catholic. To anyone who is an active Catholic, or reads Catholic blogs, or cares about the Catholic Church in its nitty gritty painful details, this post will be very enlightening. Or infuriating.

So here's the thing. Most Catholics divide themselves into one of the following two groups:

1. Liberal


2. Conservatives/Traditionalists

How can you tell the difference? Well, here's some examples of extremists from both sides.

Well, that was fun.

As you can tell, I'm not on either side, at least not in their extremes. I'd rather describe myself as a 'faithful Catholic' than a liberal or a conservative. I care deeply about the poor, I recycle, and I am also faithful to the Magisterium of the Church. I prefer not to make up more rules than the Church prescribes (like some 'more Catholic than the Pope' folks do), but the teaching that the Church DOES hand down, and clearly defines as something JESUS has asked us be faithful to, I AM faithful to (unlike many liberals who think their opinion holds more weight than the successor of Peter).

There is so much arguing, anger and division among these camps, that I'm sure they've scared away any non-Catholic unwise enough to poke their heads into Catholic blogs (especially comments, scariest place on the Internet!)

What to do?

'In essentials, unity, in doubtful things, liberty, in ALL things, charity.' Saint Augustine

P.S. I like reading Simcha Fisher for a balanced Catholic approach to most things.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's so much more visible here in the US. Specially since political parties align to these views, and funding of media and debates promotes extremist and fanatical views to more moderate ones. It makes me sad.

  3. Good job, Susie!
    - Cassius.

  4. Either you are Catholic or your not! It is ok to struggle with some teachings of the Church but not to outrightly reject them. Those who have strong disagreements with Church teaching on core issues of faith should consider joining one of the many thousands of denominations founded out of such disagreements.
